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Red Envelope Day

I learned about this from and event page on Facebook. You can also find out more on their website – What:Get red envelopes or postcards (http://www.zazzle. com/RedEnvelopeD ay) and mail them on March 31st to the White House When:March 31st, 2009 Get a red envelope. You can buy them at Kinkos, or at party supply stores. On the front, address it to President Barack ObamaThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave NWWashington , D.C. 20500 On the back, write the following message. This envelope represents one child who died because of an abortion.It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be a part of our world. We will mail the envelopes out March 31st, 2009. Forward this event to every one of your friends who you think would send one too. I wish we could … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

Catch the Fire!

I have thoroughly been enjoying the Catch the Fire conference at CBN this week (click the link to watch online). God has been touching so many lives – healing people from physical sickness and pain as well as emotional, mental and spiritual issues. God is AWESOME!!! I know that many people are leary and unsure about all the “manifestations” – the shaking, falling down, laughing, etc that goes on at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and the Catch the Fire Ministries. I was too at first. However, I loved what Duncan Smith said tonight at the conference about it! He said “I’m a man that is just trying to cope with God on the inside of my skin!” Just imagine . . . the God of the whole universe … Read entire article »

Filed under: Religion

Prayer Alert for America

Just wanted to pass on this prayer alert video from Cindy Jacobs at Generals International. She is sharing more about Obama’s new policies and agendas. I briefly mentioned these in a previous post (Raise up and army). Cindy has more to say on her website (and in an email I received). I won’t paste it all here – but PLEASE go to their website here to read more! These are serious issues that should be of great concern for us as Christians! Please take the time to educate yourself and make a commitment to pray for our leaders and our nation! America, President Obama and our leaders need all the prayers we can offer up!! If you have never prayed for our country or it’s … Read entire article »

Filed under: Priorities

Redesigning your shackles and chains

Redesigning your shackles and chains

Are you tired of wearing shackles and chains . . . . . . of feeling bound up . . . unable to get free from things in your past, in the present, or even worries about the future? What is it that is keeping you from living in freedom? Current or past sins? Unforgiveness? Anger? Hurts? Abuse? Doubt? Fear? Whatever it is . . . do you believe that God can help you break free? And not only that . … Read entire article »

Filed under: Authority, Tough Times, Warfare

The Super Bowl and the Super-Natural

I’ve said it before . . . but this year I want my family to live in the supernatural! I am tired of the ordinary. I believe God is calling all of us to live more in His presence than ever before! He WANTS to release His power to perform miracles (healings, provision and more). He wants to release His power to transform lives. Time is crucial! There is no more time to be sitting around on the sidelines just waiting for things to happen. We have to get out there and bring in the harvest. We need to minister to those around us. We need to get our eyes off of ourselves – our selfish desires, our needs and wants, our “future ministry” – and focus on the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Religion

Today is a day to Fight!

Yesterday was a good day! I woke up for church and hopped in the shower as usual. I wasn’t terribly excited about going to church. Lately it had has felt like . . . church . . . like religion. . . not like the living, active, exciting, ever-changing relationship and celebration that it used to be. I don’t want church. I don’t want to start off with a hymn, sing 3 worship songs – 1 slow, 1 upbeat and 1 multi-cultural, then sit down, watch and listen to the announcements, give our tithe, say hello to everyone as we shuffle off the kids to their classes, then sit and listen to the pastor preach a good sermon, but end on time so as to keep the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Religion

Raise up an Army!

I received an email yesterday from Mike and Cindy Jacobs (that I will post below). After reading it and then hearing more news today about the executive order that Obama signed today (purposely on the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade), I just cried and my heart became heavy for this nation (again). It just hurts. (Here’s another article on the executive order and other plans) I spent the morning praying for Obama, our leaders, Washington DC and our nation. First of all – here is the email from the Jacobs and their ministry at Dear Intercessors, Yesterday we had a transition in our government. I rejoiced to see the first African American president. I loved the unique love displayed across what has been a massive racial … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

Excited by an Inauguration to come!

Did you watch the inauguration this week? Were you excited . . . amazed . . . in awe . . . indifferent . . . angry . . . sad? Did it stir up any emotions in you at all? I normally do not care about the inaugurations and have probably only watched 1 other in my life. But I could feel the excitement in the air everywhere I went about this past Tuesday’s events. It was as if royalty was coming to town. It definitely WAS an historic moment, and I am thrilled at how far we have come in the last 60 years – to finally see not only a black man as president, but to have seen 2 other women in the running … Read entire article »

Filed under: Religion

Riding the Waves

Are you feeling beat up today? Are you feeling tossed around, caught in the edge of a rough surf in life? What is causing you to feel that way? What can be done about it? There are many days when my life as mother of 5 little kids feels just that way – noisy, busy, exhausting, relentless, unending, and messy. The “waves” never end. The house continues to be a mess no matter how many hours I spend cleaning it. The kids will still whine, or cry, or scream, or fight tomorrow no matter how many times we’ve dealt with the same issues before. There will still be meals that need to be cooked, laundry that needs to be washed, boo-boos that need to be kissed, fights that need to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Religion

Time to Rescue

I find it fascinating how God will quietly and secretly intertwine things in my life to make a point. He does it all the time . . . but I have to pay attention. Many times it may seem like a coincidence – but I know it’s not. I’ve heard Him talk to me so many times in my life through various means, that I know it is by His design and not just some coincidence. Lately there have been a few themes running through various channels in my life (like preachers on tv, my own devotional times, random conversations with friends, etc). The first of which is that God has been getting on my case about my procrastination in writing the book He wants … Read entire article »

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