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Drink From the Deep » God's heart, Love, Relationship » You are (already) LOVED!!

You are (already) LOVED!!

“She’ll kill herself trying to earn my love – when it’s hers already.”

– Michael Hosea from the book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

You are LOVED!

The quote above hit me this morning as I was listening to this book on CD.

You truly are loved . . . . already!

There is nothing that you (as a mom, wife, friend, worker, nurse, teacher, doctor, etc) have to do, have done, need to do, or will do that will change the fact that . . . YOU . . . ARE . . . LOVED!

You can’t . . .

. . . earn it.

. . . lose it.

. . . or even fully understand it.


But you can . . .

. . . find it!

. . . accept it!

. . . experience it!

. . . and enjoy it!

You will always be loved . . . no matter what!

As my youngest daughter said in a dream she had when she was 4 or 5 . . . “God loves you . . . no matter what!”  🙂

Yes He does!

Believe it and accept it today!

His love will change your life!  (I know from experience!  I would be dead – literally – without it, and I am who I am today because of it!)

John 4:10 – “This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us . . .”

So stop striving today . . . and accept His love for you!

YOU are His favorite!  🙂  And He LOVES to LOVE you!