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Drink From the Deep » Entries tagged with "Peace"

Peace in a Storm – Hope on the Horizon

Peace in a Storm – Hope on the Horizon

Good morning! How was your day yesterday? Mine? . . . In the midst of a “storm” . . .  it was filled with Peace! Peace in a Storm This last month has not turned out as I had expected.  Without going into too many details, let me just say – a storm blew in and has increased, and what was a survival mode has turned into crisis mode lately.  It’s like a tornado appeared in this storm … Read entire article »

Filed under: Frustrations, Peace, Tough Times

Tired? Weary? Pink Dandelions?!

I just wanted to share a private conversation I had with God back on Dec. 26th, 2009. It’s an honest picture of how I was feeling that day – hiding nothing. The reason I am willing to share it with you today is because it was encouraging me even more today – and I thought that it might encourage you! I hope so! None of us are perfect – but God is – and I’m thankful that He will take all of me – and give me all of Him in return! 🙂 Take a refreshing sip today! L 🙂 L – Happy Birthday Jesus (a day late)!! Ok . . . so I know it probably wasn’t the exact date. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Love

Glass? . . . FAIL! Me? . . . PASS!

“You cannot always help what happens TO you, but you can help what happens IN you.” “The kingdom WITHIN you will become the kingdom AROUND you.” “You are not a product OF your environment, but you are a product of the WAY YOU RESPOND to your environment.” – Kris Vallotton These were the words that I starred and underlined in my notes last night as we listened to Kris Vallotton speak about “The Process of Developing People”. He had so many good things to say – about making mistakes/failing (not morally), understanding that when we work with people – it will be messy, how to develop the structures (prepare the “soil”) within us so that our spirit will accept the teaching (“seed”) God places in our life, and so much more. In fact – … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

What are you feeding?

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside of me,” he said to the boy.“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is guilt, rensentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson though about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?“ The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” – American Indian Proverb Which one are YOU feeding today? Drink Deep!L 🙂 … Read entire article »

Filed under: Love

Tough times? Need a Sure Foundation – A Fortress?

I felt like the Lord wanted me to pass on some of His words to you today. Let Him reveal the deeper things to you – the deeper love to your heart – the deeper revelations to your mind. Sit with Him and ask Him about these words today. He has alot to say – and He loves sharing it with you! Isaiah 33 2 O LORD, be gracious to us;we long for you.Be our strength every morning,our salvation in time of distress. 6 He will be the sure foundation for your times,a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. 15 He who walks righteouslyand speaks what is right,who rejects gain from extortionand keeps his hand from accepting bribes,who stops … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

Jesus loves me this I know . . .

We ALL know the children’s song “Jesus loves me”! We probably can’t even count the number of times we have sung that song throughout our lifetime . . . 100 times? 200? 1000? More? Jesus loves me this I know.For the Bible tells me so.Little ones to Him belong.They are weak, but He is strong. Yes . . . Jesus loves me.Yes . . . Jesus loves me.Yes . . . Jesus loves me.The Bible tells me so. I had an interesting conversation with one of my sisters recently. She has been struggling with severe anxiety and depression for several months now, but the Lord has been graciously healing her and is slowly bringing her out of the deepest valley she has ever experienced. She is … Read entire article »

Filed under: Love, Priorities

Fresh Produce . . . Now Open!

Fresh Produce . . . Now Open!

As I drove home a few days ago, I passed by a sign I’ve driven past hundreds of times before. It sits outside a scarcely frequented family owned produce shack near our house. I used to marvel at the consistency, dependability and patience of the older gentleman that would sit in his lawn chair day after day, all day long – just waiting for the few customers that would occasionally stop by to purchase … Read entire article »

Filed under: Love, Priorities

Intimate Friendship with God

I just found a book review I did when I was in YWAM (Youth With a Mission) doing a DTS (Discipleship Training School) when I was 19 years old – in Lausanne, Switzerland. The book was “Intimate Friendship with God” by Joy Dawson. This was written at a time in my life when God was rescuing me (from myself and my self-destruction) and changing me – breaking me, shaping me, molding me into something more beautiful! I thought I would share it with you to encourage you to read this book for yourself (and I may just have to dig out my copy of Joy’s book and reread it). Take a drink from the deep today! Lori 🙂 Intimate Friendship with God by Joy Dawson Jan. 1990 DTS Out of the 16 chapters in this … Read entire article »

Filed under: Priorities


I wanted to post my own personal testimony that I shared with my local MOPS group a few weeks ago. Sometimes you come across blogs or websites that you like – but wonder – who is this person writing all this really? Well – there are no secrets here! Satan likes to keep us in bondage through our secrets – and I, for one, am fed up with it! I am loving the freedom that Christ died on the cross to give me -and I want more of it! I know that God LOVES to take what the enemy meant for evil, and use it for good – to change lives, to set people free, to minister to our broken hearts,and more! You’ve got to read my other post called … Read entire article »

Filed under: God's heart, Love

Your Father’s Love

I can’t begin to explain or tell you how much I desire for each of you to fully know and understand the love that our heavenly Father has for each of you . . . all His children! His true and overwhelming love! If you do not know or understand what I am talking about – I encourage you to take the time today to watch/listen to THIS WEBCAST of James Jordan talking about the Father’s love (put on by CBN.c0m). It just may change your life!! It was the love of the Father – understanding it and experiencing it – that totally changed my life (in many ways and on many levels) and my spiritual walk with the Lord! It changed my faith from … Read entire article »

Filed under: Religion