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Drink From the Deep » Archive

Weak . . . or Wounded Warrior

I had a dream one night, earlier this year. I was at a pool party with church folks. People were eating and swimming. My ex-boyfriend (from High School) was there in the pool and I was happy to see him. I had missed him. (I was out of the pool.) Then he got out of the pool and had to leave. All of a sudden my mom, carrying a plate of food, jumps into the pool (fully clothed). I looked and she was rescuing a couple of kids. I think it was Lauren (my niece) and one of my kids. They were ok. Then my youngest son got in and was standing at the bottom of the pool looking up expectantly as if he wanted someone to rescue him too. I … Read entire article »

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Water from the Well

I am a “water-er”. God called me to this . . . to water. I’ve known that for almost 20 years. I haven’t fully understood what it means. . . . what it looks like – but in those 20 years, God has slowly been revealing His plan to me and for me. I have tried to be faithful throughout the years to water where He needed me to. The way I’ve watered and what I have watered with and who I have watered has varied over time. But “who” I am has never changed. Watering is what I am to do! What does that mean to you? How can I bring water into your life? What am I talking about with this “Well” and the “deep” water? This water can do … Read entire article »

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